Prospects for the Commons in 2012 |
01/03/2012 11:52am |
On the Need for Silence and Solitude |
01/04/2012 11:07am |
Michel Bauwens on Marxism, Capitalism and the Commons |
01/05/2012 09:32am |
The Ongoing Enclosure of the Public Domain |
01/08/2012 09:09am |
Rajasthan's Cutting-Edge Public Policies to Promote Land Commons |
01/10/2012 15:48pm |
Leo Burke Introduces the Commons to Business Students |
01/13/2012 14:25pm |
NYT Should Start an "Enclosure Watch" |
01/17/2012 13:36pm |
The U.S. Government vs. Networked Culture |
01/20/2012 17:14pm |
Democratizing Capital |
01/25/2012 11:19am |
Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive |
01/27/2012 12:27pm |
The Mayor of Naples Champions the Commons |
01/30/2012 09:41am |
Owning Colors and Other Basic Elements of Consciousness |
02/01/2012 19:58pm |
Planning for the Rio+20 Conference: Enter the Commons? |
02/05/2012 11:43am |
Moving the Study of Commons into Law Schools |
02/08/2012 16:32pm |
Open-Access Researchers Are Ready to Rumble |
02/10/2012 15:16pm |
Occupy + Commons: The Beginnings of a Beautiful Relationship |
02/20/2012 16:08pm |
Surveying Commons Activism on the International Stage |
02/24/2012 10:16am |
The Political Right and the Commons |
02/27/2012 12:11pm |
Michel Bauwens on the Sharing Economy’s Impact on Capitalism |
02/29/2012 16:16pm |
Reading Around: Common Voices and Stir |
03/06/2012 20:33pm |
A Belgian Encounter with the Commons |
03/10/2012 17:21pm |
UN Agency Offers Online Course on the Commons |
03/13/2012 12:42pm |
Jonathan Rowe: Poetic and Penetrating |
03/16/2012 16:51pm |
"Medicine First, Stockholders Second" |
03/21/2012 15:14pm |
Richard Sennett on the Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation |
03/24/2012 21:16pm |
US Supreme Court Sets New Limits on Owning the "Laws of Nature" |
03/28/2012 22:37pm |
A New Development Paradigm: The Sharing City |
03/30/2012 16:24pm |
Texas Supreme Court Restricts Public Access to Beaches |
04/12/2012 15:28pm |
Why Sharing Makes Sense to Pleistocene Hunters and Digital Economies |
04/13/2012 16:52pm |
Place Hacking as Curiosity, Play and the Desire to Connect |
04/16/2012 14:19pm |
Challenging the Vilification of Anonymous |
04/17/2012 15:09pm |
Michael Sandel on the Moral Limits of Markets |
04/22/2012 05:11am |
Can the Commons Go Electoral? |
04/23/2012 04:43am |
The Quilligan Seminars: “The Emergence of a Commons-Based Economy” |
04/30/2012 11:18am |
Just Published: A New German Anthology on the Commons |
04/30/2012 12:19pm |
A NYC Design Firm Celebrates the Commons |
05/03/2012 20:28pm |
LiquidFeedback: What A Genuine Democratic Process Looks Like |
05/07/2012 14:06pm |
Your Friendly Neighborhood Repair Cafe |
05/09/2012 15:10pm |
Harvard Joins the Open Access Revolt |
05/14/2012 12:09pm |
The Commons Law Project: A Vision of Green Governance |
05/16/2012 13:19pm |
The New Eco-digital Commons |
05/18/2012 15:06pm |
Slow Living Summit, Brattleboro, VT |
05/22/2012 02:11am |
Economies of the Commons, Amsterdam |
05/22/2012 12:25pm |
Fans Who Own Their Teams |
05/22/2012 14:22pm |
Blue Labour’s Refreshing Vision of Politics |
05/24/2012 14:54pm |
The London Seminars: Emergence of a Commons-Based Economy |
05/25/2012 08:17am |
The Great Lakes Commons Map |
05/29/2012 15:43pm |
The Real Agenda of Rio+20 |
05/30/2012 15:00pm |
The Commons Emerges as a Theme at the People’s Summit in Rio |
06/05/2012 11:25am |
Governance: Closed and Proprietary, or Open and Bottom-Up? |
06/11/2012 17:08pm |
Elinor Ostrom Remembered (1933-2012) |
06/12/2012 15:35pm |
Brett Frischmann on Infrastructure as a Commons |
06/18/2012 12:03pm |
The Buffalo Commons: The Social Life of a Metaphor |
06/20/2012 11:20am |
Digital Common Law: Moving from Government to Governance |
06/25/2012 16:47pm |
AS220 Shows How to Reclaim the Cultural Commons |
06/27/2012 13:33pm |
Share or Die, the Book |
07/02/2012 10:56am |
How Sweet It Is! Internet Activists Defeat ACTA |
07/06/2012 17:08pm |
Will Commoning in England's New Forest Disappear? |
07/09/2012 10:17am |
A New Low for Olympic Commercialism: Tattoo Advertising |
07/11/2012 17:05pm |
Raj Patel on Changing the Global Food System |
07/13/2012 14:56pm |
Happy 100th Birthday, Woody Guthrie! |
07/14/2012 11:59am |
Diggers 2012 Set Up Camp at Runnymede |
07/18/2012 16:45pm |
Why Do Some Software Commons Succeed and Others Fail? |
07/25/2012 10:16am |
Chomsky on the Commons |
07/28/2012 14:07pm |
Invasion of the Olympics |
07/31/2012 18:18pm |
Bulgarian Commons: Historical Context Matters |
08/13/2012 16:14pm |
A Participatory Museum Exhibit on the Commons |
08/14/2012 11:11am |
Eight Points of Reference for Commoning |
08/18/2012 11:17am |
The Diggers of 1649, the Runnymede Eco-Village of 2012 |
08/24/2012 15:32pm |
Imagining “Economic Degrowth” |
08/28/2012 16:17pm |
The Linkages Between Money & Community |
09/06/2012 14:47pm |
Berlin-Bound in November |
09/06/2012 16:21pm |
Geographer David Harvey on Urban Commons |
09/10/2012 16:39pm |
New Zealand Grappling with the “Rights of Nature” |
09/17/2012 09:55am |
Now Available! The Wealth of the Commons |
09/21/2012 11:16am |
The Commons as a Transformative Vision |
09/27/2012 15:33pm |
Why the Language of the Commons Matters |
09/28/2012 17:02pm |
The Chakrabarty Case and the Ownership of Lifeforms |
10/05/2012 16:20pm |
The Great Value Shift -- And What It Means for "Memory Institutions" |
10/12/2012 20:28pm |
Occupy Endures |
10/15/2012 23:49pm |
The State of Minnesota Goes After Free Online Education |
10/19/2012 21:11pm |
The International Elevate Award Goes to Women’s Network for Sustainable Development in Africa |
10/23/2012 12:20pm |
The Little-Known Origins of Monopoly, the Board Game |
10/26/2012 15:16pm |
End Climate Silence |
10/29/2012 14:34pm |
A Lucid New Primer on the Collaborative Economy |
11/03/2012 08:46am |
Belgian Greens Explore a Commons Agenda |
11/07/2012 01:38am |
Smart Phones as Our Modern DataVeils |
11/11/2012 14:30pm |
Mapping the Commons in Athens and Istanbul |
11/16/2012 10:42am |
My Remarks at Paratactic Commons Conference, Istanbul |
11/19/2012 01:01am |
UK Book Launch for "The Wealth of the Commons" |
11/19/2012 03:55am |
Bollier Talk in Frankfurt, Germany |
11/19/2012 04:04am |
Talk: "The Commons as a New/Old Paradigm" |
11/19/2012 04:09am |
Stir to Action book launch |
11/19/2012 04:18am |
The Problem with Corporate Platforms for Sharing |
11/28/2012 02:53am |
In Berlin, Exploring What Is Commonable |
12/05/2012 06:06am |
Open Up the Coast to Everyone |
12/08/2012 06:09am |
What Does Degrowth Look Like? |
12/17/2012 11:00am |
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