Making Networked Sharing Socially Beneficial, Not Just Predatory and Profitable |
01/11/2016 17:29pm |
Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons |
01/14/2016 15:51pm |
Food as a Way to Help Refugees and Build Social Solidarity |
01/27/2016 11:08am |
Trebor Scholz's New Report on Platform Cooperativism |
02/15/2016 14:45pm |
The City as Platform |
02/19/2016 10:10am |
Andreas Weber’s “Biology of Wonder”: Aliveness as a Force of Evolution and the Commons |
02/25/2016 15:27pm |
Think Global, Print Local: A New Commons-Based Publishing Model |
03/03/2016 06:04am |
Faith-Based Insurance Pools for Healthcare: A Better Alternative? |
03/17/2016 14:21pm |
The Neurology of Consumer Compulsion |
03/24/2016 14:06pm |
Mary Mellor’s “Debt or Democracy”: Why Not Quantitative Easing for People? |
03/31/2016 14:35pm |
Lessons from SYRIZA's Failure: Build a New Economy & Polity |
04/06/2016 09:52am |
Mutualized Solutions for the Precariat |
04/27/2016 15:08pm |
Progressive Philanthropy Needs to Spur System Change |
05/02/2016 15:46pm |
The Goa Iron Ore Permanent Fund in India: A Bold Precedent |
05/10/2016 10:14am |
P2P Foundation Wins Golden Nica from Prix Ars Electronica |
05/11/2016 10:45am |
Commoning as a Transformative Social Paradigm |
05/17/2016 14:26pm |
New Podcast: "The Deeper Magic of the Commons" |
06/24/2016 16:09pm |
Beyond Development: The Commons as a New/Old Paradigm of Human Flourishing |
06/25/2016 15:59pm |
Bauwens Explains the Great Value-Shift of Our Time |
07/12/2016 15:04pm |
Booming Winsted Book Festival |
07/12/2016 15:44pm |
Peer Value: Advancing the Commons Collaborative Economy |
07/12/2016 15:51pm |
New Report: State Power and Commoning |
07/22/2016 12:15pm |
Seeing Wetiko |
07/29/2016 11:30am |
Synergia Summer Institute for Commonwealth Transition |
08/08/2016 13:57pm |
Sebastian Junger’s Meditation on Tribes |
08/22/2016 14:25pm |
"David Bollier and the City as a Commons" |
08/22/2016 14:33pm |
Seven Short Films on the Commons in Seven Minutes |
08/26/2016 10:15am |
Breaking Through Power Conference |
08/26/2016 10:31am |
2016 Sustainability Summit |
08/26/2016 10:39am |
Recent Radio Interviews, French Translations & More |
08/29/2016 14:54pm |
Transnational Republics of Commoning |
09/02/2016 11:58am |
New Forms of Network-based Governance |
09/04/2016 12:54pm |
Re-imagining the Polity for a Networked Humanity |
09/07/2016 12:56pm |
New Video, “Re-imagine the Future” |
09/16/2016 13:18pm |
A Surge of New Work on the City as a Commons |
09/21/2016 12:43pm |
Thom Hartmann Gives the Commons Some Rare National Visibility |
09/28/2016 10:36am |
John Thackara’s Intimate Tour of the Emerging New Economy |
10/05/2016 15:22pm |
“Patterns of Commoning” is Now Online! |
10/21/2016 09:05am |
Silke Helfrich Explains the Origins of "Patterns of Commoning" |
10/22/2016 09:46am |
Fire and Frost: The Virtues of Treating Museums, Libraries and Archives as Commons |
11/02/2016 13:47pm |
Terre de Liens: Experiencing and Managing Farmland as Commons |
11/04/2016 10:21am |
Announcing: A January Workshop on Social Ecosystems for Local Stewardship |
11/04/2016 11:15am |
A Moment That Illuminates Our Structural Challenges |
11/11/2016 12:44pm |
Barcelona's Brave Struggle to Advance the Commons |
11/22/2016 13:16pm |
Spanish Translation of “Think Like a Commoner” is Now Published |
11/30/2016 17:03pm |
Don’t Mourn, Commonify! The European Commons Assembly Convenes |
12/06/2016 14:52pm |
Robert Macfarlane: How Language Reconnects Us with Place |
12/20/2016 16:47pm |
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