Private Property vs. Tribal Commons |
01/03/2013 16:18pm |
Cloud Computing as Enclosure |
01/07/2013 15:10pm |
If You Give Someone A Fish.... |
01/08/2013 10:10am |
Social Banking and the Commons |
01/10/2013 13:37pm |
The Death of a Hacktivist |
01/15/2013 14:05pm |
Economists Dream of Commons Without Commoners |
01/22/2013 17:55pm |
The Possibilitarians |
01/29/2013 17:54pm |
UNITAR Offers Online Course on the Commons |
01/31/2013 14:02pm |
“Municipal Disobedience” as a New Political Gambit |
02/05/2013 14:31pm |
Now Published: Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Law of the Commons |
02/11/2013 11:57am |
The Power-Curve Phenomenon on Open Networks |
02/12/2013 15:20pm |
Collis: On Blackberries and the Poetic Commons |
02/19/2013 16:00pm |
Occupations in Rome Defend the Rights of Commoners |
02/20/2013 18:00pm |
Reflections from the European Deep Dive on the Commons |
02/22/2013 15:54pm |
A Sweet Triumph for Open Access |
02/26/2013 11:21am |
Time for a Copyleft for Seeds and Genes |
03/01/2013 18:00pm |
The Logic of Collective Action: The Fall of an Iconic Theory? |
03/07/2013 10:29am |
An Explosion of Commons Gatherings |
03/12/2013 09:50am |
The Spanish P2P Wikisprint on March 20 |
03/13/2013 15:43pm |
It’s a Commons If You Want It |
03/14/2013 11:35am |
Jonathan Rowe's Meditations on Markets, Commons and the Human Condition |
03/19/2013 14:52pm |
Viewing Education as a Commons |
03/22/2013 10:14am |
Insights from the Asian Deep Dive on the Commons |
03/26/2013 10:22am |
The Structural Communality of the Commons |
03/29/2013 15:58pm |
The Icelandic Putsch |
04/01/2013 13:16pm |
It’s Time to Start a Chamber of Commons |
04/02/2013 11:46am |
The Man Who Quit Money |
04/04/2013 15:16pm |
My Interview with in Germany |
04/06/2013 15:54pm |
Welcome, Digital Public Library of America! |
04/09/2013 16:38pm |
Did Commercial Journals Use the NYT to Smear Open Access? |
04/11/2013 10:39am |
Pennsylvania Judge Rules That Corporations Are Not “Persons” |
04/12/2013 09:35am |
A Visit with the Bitcoin Foundation’s Top Scientist |
04/18/2013 16:46pm |
The Next Great Internet Disruption: Authority and Governance |
04/23/2013 10:47am |
A Commoner Nearly Becomes President of Italy |
04/26/2013 15:03pm |
Beyond Zombie-Environmentalism: The Great Lakes Commons |
05/01/2013 09:47am |
Now Available – Online Access to ‘The Wealth of the Commons’ |
05/02/2013 10:29am |
Denis Postle on the psyCommons |
05/10/2013 10:58am |
The Corporate Enclosure of Seeds Intensifies |
05/14/2013 16:44pm |
Next Week: The Economics and the Commons Conference in Berlin |
05/16/2013 08:05am |
A Rich Convergence of Commoners, An Explosion of New Initiatives |
05/27/2013 06:58am |
The Science of “Enlivenment” and the Commons |
05/28/2013 05:33am |
Now Available: Videos of Talks from the Economics and the Commons Conference |
05/31/2013 04:03am |
The Violent Enclosure of Istanbul’s Taksim Gezi Park |
05/31/2013 14:29pm |
“Commoneering”: A New Coinage Best Forgotten? |
06/05/2013 16:00pm |
Take a Survey about Commons Education |
06/07/2013 20:06pm |
The Still City Project |
06/10/2013 16:36pm |
Applying Ostrom's Guidelines to the Design of Software Platforms |
06/12/2013 14:07pm |
Tom Friedman’s Unexpected Paean to the Commons |
06/16/2013 21:27pm |
US Supreme Court Rules: Human Genes Can’t Be Owned |
06/17/2013 10:53am |
Noam Chomsky on the Struggle to Defend the Global Commons |
06/18/2013 13:54pm |
Sustaining the Commons, a Textbook Overview of Ostrom's Research |
06/21/2013 14:42pm |
The Passionate Localism of the New Cross Commoners |
06/22/2013 16:00pm |
The Rarely Told Story: Pirates as Radical Commoners |
06/25/2013 17:02pm |
They Still Enclose Nature, Don’t They? |
07/02/2013 00:35am |
Can the GPI --Genuine Progress Indicator -- Supplant GDP? |
07/09/2013 15:01pm |
Econ4 Tries to Change the Economic Paradigm |
07/12/2013 10:24am |
How Will We Reclaim and Shape the Ambient Commons? |
07/16/2013 19:11pm |
Using the Debt Crisis to Steal Public Assets |
07/21/2013 11:28am |
Welcome, the Commons Atlas! |
07/25/2013 15:42pm |
After the Crisis: The Thought of Ivan Illich Today |
07/26/2013 10:38am |
Social Banking Discovers the Commons |
07/30/2013 14:42pm |
The Quiet Realization of Ivan Illich's Ideas in the Contemporary Commons Movement |
08/03/2013 12:53pm |
The Thought of Ivan Illich Today |
08/07/2013 11:52am |
Dougald Hine on Commoning in the City |
08/13/2013 11:06am |
Cooperative Co-Production of Solar Power in a Small Town |
08/16/2013 10:50am |
My Interview with |
08/20/2013 08:48am |
The Remunicipalization of Water |
08/23/2013 14:53pm |
David Harvey on the Tyranny of Exchange Value |
08/27/2013 07:49am |
Filtering and Manipulations of Our Emails |
09/05/2013 11:13am |
The Importance of Infrastructure to Commons |
09/05/2013 11:26am |
An Amazingly Effective Way to Prevent the "Tragedy of the Commons" |
09/08/2013 15:17pm |
The Case for Stewardship (not Ownership) of Antiquities, Language, DNA and More |
09/12/2013 15:45pm |
Seeing Food as a Commons Opens Up Creative New Possibilities |
09/16/2013 17:14pm |
Vermont Law School |
09/19/2013 10:17am |
Bauwens Joins Ecuador in Planning a Commons-based, Peer Production Economy |
09/20/2013 15:26pm |
A Welcome Focus on Latin American Commons |
09/25/2013 11:56am |
Publishers Bully a Digital Research Library |
10/01/2013 10:44am |
How to Build a “Shareable City” |
10/04/2013 09:36am |
The Piecemeal Privatization of Web Infrastructure |
10/08/2013 13:55pm |
Gandhian Economics and the Commons |
10/11/2013 11:42am |
My Dialogue with 'Corporate Sustainability Architect' Bill Baue |
10/15/2013 17:10pm |
HowlRound Brings Commoning to the Theater |
10/22/2013 11:35am |
Cartographers of the Commons |
10/24/2013 12:20pm |
Remix the Commons Showcases Voices from Berlin Conference |
10/28/2013 18:30pm |
Report on the Economics and Commons Conference Just Published |
10/29/2013 14:50pm |
“Love, Me, I’m a Liberal” |
10/31/2013 16:35pm |
The Farmers of Hoxie Inaugurate a Water Commons |
11/05/2013 11:54am |
Grinnell College Talk |
11/05/2013 13:10pm |
The Silent Giveaway of New York City’s Internet Domain: Will De Blasio Step Up? |
11/07/2013 14:18pm |
Homegrown Urban Parks in Toronto |
11/12/2013 14:52pm |
My Interview with Writer’s Voice about ‘Green Governance’ and ‘Viral Spiral’ |
11/15/2013 10:28am |
Corporate Spying Against Citizen Activists |
11/21/2013 11:02am |
Sousveillance as a Response to Surveillance |
11/24/2013 12:03pm |
The Fateful Choice: The Pilgrims Assign Private Property Rights in Land |
11/27/2013 12:23pm |
New Zealand's Freerange Explores the Commons |
12/02/2013 11:13am |
Co-operative Place Making through Community Land Trusts |
12/05/2013 10:37am |
The Ecuador Free/Libre Open Knowledge Project Seeks Your Help |
12/11/2013 15:20pm |
Why Not Tax Monopoly Rents? |
12/13/2013 10:16am |
A New Movement for Community Self-Determination Over Corporate Rights |
12/16/2013 10:08am |
What Do We Mean When We Talk about “Value”? |
12/23/2013 12:24pm |
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