A Special Journal Issue, "Advancing the Commonsverse"
Last week, the International Journal of the Commons published a special issue inspired by the ideas of my 2019 book Free, Fair and Alive, written with my late friend and colleague Silke Helfrich. I am thrilled and honored. The collection of eight essays revolves around the theme, “Advancing the Commonsverse: The Political Economy of the Commons." In varied theaters of action, it deals with many issues that Free, Fair and Alive focused on, especially the relationality that drives commoning and the tensions between commons and state power.
There are thoughtful pieces on public/commons partnerships in Barcelona, and in Naples and Bologna…. on "the incompatibility of the commons and the public".... on commons as "relational ecosystems"…. on the need for new ways of studying commons through "comparison and interpretation," to improve our practical knowledge of how commons work….and a feminist look at the "micro-politics" of commoning and municipalist movements in Spain. (A full list of authors, their essays, and weblinks is below.)

My concluding essay, "Challenges in Expanding the Commonsverse," reflects on a broad range of contemporary commons movements, the “ontological politics” they are engendering, and the challenges in expanding and institutionalizing commoning today. I pay special attention to the potential of commons/public partnerships, new infrastructures to make commoning easier, legal hacks to open up zones of commoning, the potential of relationalized finance, and new institutional structures of care.
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